CCRL is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, 752785089RR0001.

As a non-profit, we appreciate your support. It contributes directly to our day-to-day operational costs and programming.

Our work is supported by fee-for-service projects, project grants, and private donations. So, we appreciate your support wholeheartedly.

Donate Now Through!

Donate Now Through!

To see what programs you may be supporting, here is a list of our projects.

If you would like to offer in-kind donations, please contact us at

If you would like to donate by cheque, please mail to:

The Centre for Civic Religious Literacy

2180 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest
Montréal QC H3H 1M7

Please write “CCRL donation” in the memo line.

More details about our nationally incorporated non-profit status are available on the Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada website.

Thank you for your support.